Rodent Removal and Control Berkeley, CA
Rodents come in all different colors, shapes, and sizes, which is precisely why it is so hard to correctly identify the exact rodent animal sometimes without help of a certified rodent professional. Without the right rodent control technicians to assist in your home or businesses rodent problem there will be little to do when you're caught in a hairy situation. When the occasion arises when you may suspect unwanted rodents running around causing unwanted damage then calling the trusted rodent specialist in the area is the first step in checking up.
Rats are very difficult to deal with on a daily basis because there so in tune with their surroundings that small traps, baits, or other rat prevention techniques often times are not effective enough to fend off the annoying pests. More specifically, rat senses are a lot stronger than human senses. In the case when a new smell, sound, noise, or sight is brought to the rats attention, there is no way the annoying rodent is dramatically affected. New environments don’t bother rodents and rats because they're so used to new activities in and around your property on a daily basis. Rats, mice, and other rodents can be dangerous where they appear. They often act as parasites for diseases and other undesirable bacteria. Sometimes, rats can carry ticks and flies with them, bringing in even more unwelcome annoying pests. There is no other worse situation where you set up the perfect rodent prevention strategy, but fail to rid of all the other pests that come with the rodents inside. To get help identifying a rodent or help with some form of rodent control, call (510) 900-8593 |
RatsThere are two common types of rats that we commonly come across when people call for rodent control. One, is the roof rat, which is pictured to the right or below. It is a climber and often is found in attics. The other is the norway rat which will usually climb around in walls biting through wires, wood, and other materials.
MiceHouse mice are a common call during the colder seasons in Berkeley, CA. They can reproduce in large numbers and will commonly be hear scurrying in the night as they avoid the daytime. They can be spotted by seeing mouse pellets or mouse holes in the wall. We use mouse traps to kill them.
GophersGophers can be a terror to yards and gardens. They dig holes quickly throughout yards in search of food and tearing up properties in the process. Using gopher traps, we can get rid of them relatively quickly, so be sure to call us for gopher control in Berkeley.
MolesMoles are rarely spotted due to spending most of their time underground as well. They have large hands used for burrowing, a big nose, and tiny eyes. They are searching for small organisms underground, particularly worms. Since worms are good for your property, moles are bad news. Along with the holes they dig, they prevent proper composting of soil and your grass will die quickly if you allow them around too long.
VolesGarden voles, while slight in size can be quite detrimental to your property. While they don't dig up holes all over your yard, they will dig a couple holes to hid while it is unsafe. Once they deem it okay, they will come out and eat all of your leafy plants and chew on the roots. If you don't get to them quick, they can destroy your entire garden. While they look like mice, they are a completely different species. They are often referred to as field mice. Call Pest Control Berkeley if you see any garden voles. (510) 900-8593
Within the rodent family the latin order is rodentia that is made up of over 2,200 different rodent species. Within the rodent order there are several different rat families. By far the biggest rat family, and most widely seen rat families are considered to be associated with the Muridae family. Close to 75% of the rodent animals we see on a regular basis are typically a part of the muridae family. Within the rat families various different rats makeup subfamilies: cotton rats, brown rats, sand rats, gerbils, and mice.
Rodent characteristics are similar to humans in that they are both known as warm-blooded mammals. There are not very many others in the animal kingdom that can brag about this. Generally speaking, anywhere you find humans you will find rodents close by. There is a strong rodent connection to humans and there will be forever. Without humans it is very difficult for rodents, rats, and mice to live. The distinct rodent feature most people have in there mind is a small, fuzzy little mammal with huge front teeth. The large, oversized teeth are not from eating but rather rodent evolution has turned these mammals into little chewing monsters. Most Americans live in wooden built homes so the rodent issue is even more severe.
Today, more than ever the US builds homes and homes with wood, because it’s cheap and in some parts of the country it’s smart, due to heavily concentrated earthquake prone areas. For the common rodents, plastic and wood are the most normal and chewed substance. Many times you can simply look at your attic’s floor plan and see the rodents marks or droppings. Any sign of rodents such as, marks, droppings, or even poop should not be taken lightly, and should be immediately addressed without hesitation.
If you see a rodent in your property you may have a serious rodent problem looming. Most people don’t know that rodents never hibernate in the winter time like bears and beasts. In the winter time and in other times of cold weather, rodents actively look for warmth and warm areas. If there's one rodent there may be others coming soon because rats can birth close to eighty-four babies without you even having a clue what’s going on. It’s important to notice these types of rat situations because without your thought or awareness your property could turn into a rat den with a blink of the eye.
All year round rodents reproduce. There’s is no rodent time table that goes over exactly when new babies will be born. Some rodents breed faster than others, it may depend a lot of the time on rat environment and nutrition. The size of rodents gives them a distinct advantage over many other animals because space isn’t as big of a deal to them. Tight space has little importance to rodents, because wiggling around into the next hole is never truly a big rodent obstacle. Due to these annoying holes in the walls or gaps rodents can pass into a professional rodent control expert should be called to the scene to inspect, maintain, or eliminate the rodent crime. Rodent criminal justice is needed to fend of the annoying little house pests. (510) 900-8593
Rodent characteristics are similar to humans in that they are both known as warm-blooded mammals. There are not very many others in the animal kingdom that can brag about this. Generally speaking, anywhere you find humans you will find rodents close by. There is a strong rodent connection to humans and there will be forever. Without humans it is very difficult for rodents, rats, and mice to live. The distinct rodent feature most people have in there mind is a small, fuzzy little mammal with huge front teeth. The large, oversized teeth are not from eating but rather rodent evolution has turned these mammals into little chewing monsters. Most Americans live in wooden built homes so the rodent issue is even more severe.
Today, more than ever the US builds homes and homes with wood, because it’s cheap and in some parts of the country it’s smart, due to heavily concentrated earthquake prone areas. For the common rodents, plastic and wood are the most normal and chewed substance. Many times you can simply look at your attic’s floor plan and see the rodents marks or droppings. Any sign of rodents such as, marks, droppings, or even poop should not be taken lightly, and should be immediately addressed without hesitation.
If you see a rodent in your property you may have a serious rodent problem looming. Most people don’t know that rodents never hibernate in the winter time like bears and beasts. In the winter time and in other times of cold weather, rodents actively look for warmth and warm areas. If there's one rodent there may be others coming soon because rats can birth close to eighty-four babies without you even having a clue what’s going on. It’s important to notice these types of rat situations because without your thought or awareness your property could turn into a rat den with a blink of the eye.
All year round rodents reproduce. There’s is no rodent time table that goes over exactly when new babies will be born. Some rodents breed faster than others, it may depend a lot of the time on rat environment and nutrition. The size of rodents gives them a distinct advantage over many other animals because space isn’t as big of a deal to them. Tight space has little importance to rodents, because wiggling around into the next hole is never truly a big rodent obstacle. Due to these annoying holes in the walls or gaps rodents can pass into a professional rodent control expert should be called to the scene to inspect, maintain, or eliminate the rodent crime. Rodent criminal justice is needed to fend of the annoying little house pests. (510) 900-8593
ContactSite Build by Alec Steving and Taylor Parrott
Pest Control Berkeley
2302 Piedmont Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 900-8593
Mighty Men Pest Control
Company License #8676
OPR #13819
2302 Piedmont Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
(510) 900-8593
Mighty Men Pest Control
Company License #8676
OPR #13819